
This morning was unique. Instead of a house full of women. I had one.
We talked. We shared our hearts.
We were raw. Honest with one another.
A discovery? We’re a lot more alike then we knew.
The struggle and the reality?
The #1 thing we fight…self-hate, self-doubt, negative self- talk.
From our maker? NO.
From the enemy? Yes.
It’s a cultural epidemic. Stemming from  generation to generation. We pass it down to our own Children. And to boot, we living in a culture that pours barrels of gas on the fire daily. Magazines. Social media. Sometimes, our own community of people. 
We allow outside voices to become our internal one. We buy into the idea that we have to have it all together. Look a certain way. Wear the right things. Weigh the right amount. Eat the right things. Say the right things. But the painful thing is at the end of the day, when I lay my head down on my pillow is when it starts…”I didn’t do this right. I should have done this. I don’t think she likes me. I feel alone. I feel fat. I feel…I feel…I am…I am…”
We translate our feelings and our negative self-talk into our identity. It’s a downward spiral. It aches. It hurts. It can suffocate us.
Last night I caught myself. I literally heard myself headed down the steep slope. And I stopped. I took a breath. And I cried out to God.
“Holy Sprit. Maker of heaven and earth. This is NOT what you think of me. This is not how you see me. This is not how I should talk to anything you have created. Lord, help me. Help me, please. I can’t change my thoughts on my own.”
And it stopped. This barrage of lies. I MUST turn my internal voice into one of truth and freedom…one that is guided by my Creator. I have to shift my thinking…chase the light, be the light, listen to the one true Light.
Set my fire on Soul Lord.
And Friend. Whoever you are. Where ever you are.
Let me tell you the most important thing you will ever hear. The most important thing you MUST know.
Just as you. Period. Nothing else. Just you. As you are. Are enough.
And you are loved and treasured by the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
And if you feel anything different than that, it’s a lie. Don’t buy into it. Don’t. Your life depends on it.

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Shannon Beautiful 💖

Stephanie Wow!!!

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