
Would you answer a question for me?

What Blogs (photography or not) do you follow?


What do you love about them?

I follow a few…and I know my reasons. I’d love to know your thoughts!



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Holly She is funny, real and loves Jesus. She and her husband sold their dream farm home to move to the city where her husband is a jail chaplain.

Melissa I have followed SouleMama for 3 years now. She writes about homesteading life, her kids, her sewing projects, and general life. Her photography is real – sometimes completely unedited. I can’t nail an exact detail about why I find her so intriguing. But after following someone for so long, it becomes a habit to check in and see how they are doing. 🙂

Sandy I haphazardly follow blogs – none specific to photography. I read Momastry a lot – I love Glennon’s candidness and sense of humor. I also “read” or use lots of food blogs for recipes.

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